Omaggio a Pio X. Ritratti coevi

Homage to Pius X. Contemporary portraits

La Leoniana offers you the news of the week: the preface written by Pope Francis to the book Homage to Pius Contemporary portraits of the Treviso priest Lucio Bonora, official of the Secretariat of State.

Dear Don Lucio,

I am happy that your study on Pius You know that I love Pius X very much and have always loved him. When I was in Buenos Aires, on his feast day, August 21, I used to gather the catechists of the archdiocese. My thoughts and memories go back to that appointment, because it was a meeting that I wanted and was looking for. I enjoyed spending it with those who do their utmost to instruct children and adults in the truths of the faith and Pius X has always been known as the Pope of catechesis. And not only! A gentle and strong Pope. A humble and clear Pope. A Pope who made the whole Church understand that without the Eucharist and without assimilation of revealed truths, personal faith weakens and dies.
I love Pius X also for another reason. Because, as Jesuits, we owe Pius Pius How close I feel to him in this tragic moment in today's world...
Pius A Pope who was a monument to pastoral care, as Saint John XXIII defined him when he allowed Venice to be able to venerate his mortal remains in Saint Mark in the spring of 1959.
I therefore enjoy this new study on Pius I see that it is a singular and specific study, because it intends to make known in 80 medallions, the pictorial or sculptural portraits contemporary with the person of Pius saint, even before the beatification, by simple people, by the faithful, by priests, by parishes, by students of Catholic schools scattered around the world with many religious devoted to them, but also by intellectuals and statesmen. How many paintings and images of Pius almost anticipated here.
I granted with profound joy to the beautiful Churches of Treviso, Padua and Venice the peregrinatio of the relics of Saint Pius it is confined to past eras of history or monopolized by particular groups, but it belongs to the Church today, to the people of the Church, that is to the people, the baptized of all ages, who want to be faithful to the Gospel and to their Pastors and feel the saints as true models of life and their sincere traveling companions behind Jesus and the Gospel, drawing on the examples and choices of their lives. Long live Saint Pius

To purchase or order the book contact us at the following numbers:
Tel: 06 89479536

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Via dei Corridori, 28 Rome (RM)

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