La terz'età in letteratura

The third age in literature

Italy is facing an unprecedented demographic transformation, with an unequivocal growth in the elderly population and a parallel increase in those who live alone. This change brings with it significant social and health consequences, with a growing risk of social isolation, loneliness and impacts on mental health.

However, in this scenario new horizons also emerge, supported by the use of technology and innovation in the so-called "silver economy", which aim to propose solutions aimed at counteracting these phenomena.

In this context, start-ups and initiatives aimed at using artificial intelligence and robotics to improve the quality of life of the elderly are acquiring growing importance. However, effectively addressing these issues will require a holistic approach and coordinated commitment from different sectors of society.

We at Leoniana like to treat every topic from a multidisciplinary point of view. For this reason we propose various readings on the topic of the elderly, so as to delve deeper into the topic by offering new ideas and reflections.

Vincenzo Paglia, The age to be invented. Old age between memory and eternity

The author, who has been studying and dealing with the experiences and needs of elderly people for years, offers in these pages a penetrating and innovative vision of old age. A period free from the tyranny of productivity and available for building bonds, moments of listening to one's own questions and those of others. Years marked no longer by the calendar of commitments but by the time of affection, of reflection, of the contribution offered to the community.

Enzo Bianchi, Life and Days. On old age

An unknown land into which we are slowly advancing, a harsh country to cross and conquer, old age has its great shadows, its pitfalls and its fragilities, but it must not be separated from life: it is part of the journey of existence and has its chances. It's time to plant trees for those who will come. Old age is the art of living, which we can largely build, starting from our awareness, from our choices, from the quality of coexistence that we cultivate together with others, never without others, day after day. It is preparing to let go, to accept the unfinished, to loosen control over the world and things. In the inexorable face to face with the body that progressively betrays us, Enzo Bianchi invites all of us to welcome this full time of life, without giving anything away to a melancholic nostalgia for the future, but rather finding here the precious opportunity for a generous act of trust towards the new generations.

Pope Francis, Treasures of wisdom. The Pope speaks to the elderly

A collection of the most significant words taken from the words that Pope Francis addressed in his speeches to the elderly. Grandparents are our history, they represent wisdom, for each of us they are a guide. The pontiff never fails to remember that they must be cherished, loved, listened to, cuddled. The volume also contains photos of meetings of the Holy Father with elderly people. This year Pope Francis has also proclaimed Grandparents' Day which will always fall on the 4th Sunday of July.

Community of Sant'Egidio, The elderly and the Bible. Spiritual readings of old age

«The number of elderly people has grown. Their average age has risen. It is the realization of an ancient dream of humanity: to live a long time, to push the frontiers of death away as far as possible, a true "blessing". Reading the Bible helps to better understand the value of the elderly: how they are an important part of human and religious history. This is the meaning of this book, a reflection on the "elderly" figures of the Bible - Noah, Abraham, Job, Zechariah, Simeon and Anna, Nicodemus... - in their relationship with life and with young people, the fruit of an experience of friendship decades with the elderly by the Community of Sant'Egidio. The elderly are the "cornerstone" from which to begin the reconstruction of society."

Vittorino Andreoli, A certain age. For a new idea of ​​old age.

In a world where man believes he has his destiny in his hands, we run a great risk: not admitting that the common thread of existence can weaken and break and not understanding the positive aspects of every transformation starting from the beauty of growing old .Vittorino Andreoli tells us about old age as an original chapter of existence and not as a "sick" age. Those who have "long danced with time" have a greater capacity to experience joy and consider pleasure. Sometimes a smile is enough, a nephew who shows interest in listening, the emergence of a pure feeling.

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