Intelligenza artificiale

Artificial intelligence

“Ours is an age of privilege but it comes at a cost: uncertainty. The lessons of the past are no longer enough for us" L.Floridi, Ethics of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the technology of the moment.
And it aims to teach machines to perform tasks that throughout history have always been performed by human intelligence.

To do this, you have to feed it data. In huge quantities.
Algorithms are derived from the analysis of data, carried out by increasingly faster and more powerful software and computers. That is, a chain of instructions.

Today, algorithms are so advanced that they learn from the data presented to them - just as the human brain does when receiving new information.
All of this makes the predictability and interpretability of their actions a little tricky.
Does the idea intimidate you? It's a common feeling.

It is important to remain grounded and believe that artificial intelligence will not replace human reason.
He shouldn't be intimidating, he can't do everything.

Let's always see it as a machine: we hold the reins, we are the conscious and creative part of the process.
But above all, we created it.

Using artificial intelligence opens many different doors, as it improves the ability to read data, improves productivity and promises innovative solutions.
However, its use also carries risks.

The protection of privacy, the not always easy interaction between workers and machines, the employment implications.
AI jobs are disparate and apply to multiple industries.

La Leoniana offers you readings that address the issue from the points of view of different disciplines and themes.

Daniele Magrini, The year of Artificial Intelligence

The challenges of Artificial Intelligence, the grip of algorithms between users always
more dependent on social media and the web giants masters of big data. In Daniele Magrini's journalistic report, everything you need to know about an unstoppable, constantly evolving phenomenon. The author's choice was to anchor himself to some precise facts that occurred in 2023, which can be considered in all respects the Year of Artificial Intelligence. Among the main events that occurred: the first strike against Chat GPT in Hollywood, which saw famous screenwriters and actors march together; the first world summit on Artificial Intelligence, in Bletchley, just outside London where Alan Turing cracked the Nazi codes; the world's first law on Artificial Intelligence passed on 8 December 2023 by the European Union; the first complaint, at the end of December, again against Chat GPT and its "colleague" Copilot, by the New York Times for copyright infringement. Meanwhile, the courts are also starting to look into the opacities of algorithms, with the lawsuit brought by 42 American states against Mark Zuckerberg's Meta for the social media addiction of children and adolescents. The story of the hundred days that questioned the power of the giants of the web thus unfolds between the search for rules and the unstoppable technological innovation. While ethical problems of an epochal nature also emerge, as Pope Francis recalls, who invites us not to fall "into the spiral of a dictatorship

Guglielmo Tamburrini, Ethics of machines. Moral dilemmas for robotics and artificial intelligence

Self-driving vehicles can help reduce the number of road deaths, but they have already been involved in serious road accidents. Autonomous weapons can attack legitimate military targets without requiring approval from a human operator, but could target civilians unrelated to the conflict. What decisions and actions that affect the physical well-being and rights of people can be entrusted to the operational autonomy of a machine? What responsibilities should remain with human beings? How much weight should we give to the limitations that affect our ability to explain and predict the behavior of robots that learn from experience and interact with other computer and robotic systems? These are the ethical questions addressed in the book, together with the moral dilemmas and problems of collective choice that arise from them.

John C. Lennox, 2084. God, artificial intelligence, and the future of humanity

Will we soon experience a situation similar to the global control of Big Brother, described by George Orwell in “1984”? The effects of technology affect everyone, making us, in fact, spectators of a constantly evolving reality that intrigues us, but which remains unpredictable in its future effects. Mathematician and philosopher John C. Lennox examines the deeper implications underlying the development of artificial intelligence, surveillance systems, and cybernetics from an unprecedented theological and spiritual perspective.

Margaret Boden, Artificial Intelligence

We are continually grappling with Artificial Intelligence and its applications
practices: in our homes, in the office, at school, at the cinema, in the car, as well as on the
Network. Beyond the technological implications, the contribution that is invaluable
Artificial Intelligence has given the work of psychologists, neuroscientists and
biologists, who have gained new perspectives and knowledge on the mind, on the
brain and the very nature of life. Equally significant is the influence that
it has had in the philosophical field, in particular on controversial topics such as
mind-body relationship, free will and consciousness.

Luciano Floridi, Ethics of artificial intelligence. Developments, opportunities, challenges

It is crucial to understand the technological transformations taking place and one of the
fundamental steps today is that of artificial intelligence, of its nature
and its ethical challenges, which Luciano Floridi addresses in this book, offering the

his contribution of ideas to a more necessary collective effort of intelligence. Education, commerce, industry, travel, entertainment, healthcare, politics, social relations, in short life itself is becoming inconceivable without technologies, services, digital products. This epochal transformation implies doubts and concerns, but also extraordinary opportunities. Precisely because the digital revolution has only just begun, we have the opportunity to shape it in a positive sense, to the benefit of humanity and the planet. But on condition that we understand better what we are talking about.

A.Curti, A.Fusi, Artificial intelligence and photographers a

We are witnessing an unprecedented synergy between Artificial Intelligence and photographic art. This profound connection, which goes far beyond the technical issue, is significantly shaping our relationship with images, redefining aesthetic, professional and legal paradigms. This essay suggests a reflection with the aim of trying to shed light on some questions. What direction are images taking in the digital society? How does the language of photography change? What philosophical and legal scenarios open up and what developments can emerge? How are professions related to photography changing?

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